
這首《Country House》一直是我心目中的NO.1,即使這首歌問世已經14年了﹝收錄於1995年的《The Great Escape》﹞。

第一次聽到Blur,是《Charmless Man》﹝於是我立刻買了《The Great Escape》,才聽到《Country House》﹞,當下就被主唱Damon Albarn﹝後來也是虛擬樂團Gorillaz﹝街頭霸王﹞主唱﹞的唱腔吸引,總覺得他的聲音很特別,聽起來有一種公子哥兒的感覺,既瀟灑又奔放,那種天蹋下來我還是要爽爽唱的調調兒。

早期Blur在編曲方面突破一般搖滾樂團的框架,取材相當廣泛,曲子編出來華麗又熱鬧,而且團員乾淨帥氣,在樂界算是獨樹一格。每次聽到《Country House》,我都非常雀躍,即使這首歌我聽了大概有2000遍。

Damon Albarn超可口,是吧?

最近買了MP4,附的傳輸線剛好可以用在我的3G手機﹝兩年前辦的時候沒送傳輸線跟驅動程式﹞,昨天我跨越了MOTOROLA障礙,下載到驅動程式,也下載了音樂剪接軟體,把《Country House》剪成30秒的手機鈴聲,並馬上打家用電話到手機去享受成果……說真的,我的自我感覺非常良好﹝已經很久沒有這種感覺了﹞,興奮到一定要打一篇網誌來報告成果的啊!



《Country House》歌詞如下:

﹝So the story begins﹞

City dweller
Successful fella
Thought to himself:
"Oops, I've got a lot of money
Caught in a rat race
I'm a professional cynic
But my heart's not in it
I'm paying the price of living life at the limit
Caught up in the century's anxiety"

Yes, it preys on him
He's getting thin
﹝Try the simple life﹞

He lives in a house
A very big house
In the country
Watching afternoon repeats
And the food he eats
In the country
He takes all manner of pills
And piles up analyst bills
In the country
Oh, it's like an animal farm
That's the rural charm
In the country

He's got morning glory and life's a different story
Everything's going Jackanory
Touched with his own mortality
He's reading Balzac, knocking back Prozac
It's a helping hand that makes you feel wonderfully bland
Oh, it's a century's remedy
For the faint at heart
A new start
﹝Try the simple life﹞

He lives in a house
A very big house
In the country
He's got a fog in his chest
So he needs a lot of rest
In the country
He doesn't drink, smoke, laugh
Takes herbal baths
In the country
You should come to no harm
On the animal farm
In the country

﹝Blow, blow me out, I am so sad, I don't know why﹞


《Charmless Man》歌詞如下:

I met him in a crowded room
Where people go to drink away their gloom
He sat me down and so began
The story of a charmless man
Educated the expensive way
He knows his claret from a beaujolais
I think he'd like to have been Ronnie Kray
But then nature didn't make him that way

He thinks his educated airs those family shares
Will protect him, that you will respect him
He moves in circles of friends who just pretend that they like him
He does the same to them and when you put it all together
There's the model of a charmless man

He knows the swingers and their cavalry
Says he can get in anywhere for free
I began to go a little cross eyed
And from this charmless man I just had to hide

He talks at speed he gets nose bleeds
He doesn't see his days are tumbling down upon him
Yet he tries so hard to please he's just so keen for you to listen
But no-one is listening and when you put it all together
There's the model of a charmless man

He thinks his educated airs, those family shares
Will protect him, that you will respect him
Yet he tries so hard to please he's just so keen for you to listen
But no-one is listening and when you put it all together
There's the model of a charmless man



Yeah Yeah Yeah x4

I love you
But I gotta stay true
My morals got me on my knees
I'm begging please stop playing games

I don't know what this is
Cos you got me good
Just like you knew you would

I don't know what you do
But you do it well
I'm under your spell

You got me begging you for mercy
Why wont you relase me
You got me begging you for mercy
Why wont you release me
I said release me

Now you think that I
Will be something on the side
But you got to understand
That I need a man
Who can take my hand yes I do

I don't know what this is
But you got me good
Just like you knew you would

I don't know what you do
But you do it well
I'm under your spell

You got me begging you for mercy
Why wont you release me
You got me begging you for mercy
Why wont you release me
I said you'd better release yeah yeah yeah

I'm begging you for mercy
Yes why wont you realse me
I'm begging you for mercy

You got me begging
You got me begging
You got me begging

Mercy, why wont you realise me
I'm begging you for mercy
Why wont you release me

You got me begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy
I'm begging you for mercy

Why wont you release me yeah yeah
Break it down


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